Friday, 17 March 2017


For the first time in my life, I failed.

And I’d to repeat it; not twice. but thrice. I was so ashamed. Had to look at the same faces again. Had to study the whole damn thing all over again.

My sis had faced the same situation before. Except that theres one difference between us – she gave up, and I didn’t. which I am so glad that I didn’t bc in the end of the road, I learnt one thing. An important lesson that no one has ever told me before.

Once you’ve succeed, your failures wont matter anymore.

People wont ask how many times you’ve fallen, or how many times you’ve repeated. They'd only care after you’ve succeed, or if you’ve stopped working on it.

During that journey, I really felt like a total loser for keeping failing. Everyone else had passed and go on with their lives while I’m still in the same chapter. Quit wasn’t sound that bad to me that time lol.

But giving up is not an option, is it?

So I stayed with that stand. And now I’ve passed, alhamdulillah.
Not only that I learnt new things about the stuff, but also a lesson in life.

So guys, as long as you can go on, go on. Don’t quit. Don’t give up. There must be a reason why He made our journeys longer. There must be something He wants to tell us, He wants us to learn, to think.

After all, we weren't created to be failures. So why should we stick to that title and believe that we are?


Hal dunia perlu diurus, bukan dirisau.”